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Maple-Roasted Apples & Plums

September 18, 2008

No share pictures this week (normally we get our share delivered in a box to a pick-up location right around the corner from us, but this week we went out to the farm to pick it up. Fun, fun. We got lots of vegetables, picked all different kinds of cherry tomatoes and a bunch of tomatillos, and….um….I forgot my camera. Oops.)

*But,* let’s forget the vegetables for today, shall we? I have to tell you about all the plums we’ve been eating! All desserts in the house lately have been plum, plum, plum, which is funny to me, as I never really had any special love for plums until this year. Could it be because I’d only really ever had supermarket plums, with their unreliable and sometimes mealy quality? Maybe. But for the past few weeks, they’ve been everywhere in our farmer’s market, all different sizes, shapes, beautiful, beautiful! I bought quarts of all different kinds, just to do a taste test. Where have these plums been all my life?! They were wonderful. Every variety tastes different: some tart, some sweet, some with almost floral notes. It’s hard to choose a favorite — but, I think the tiny sunshiny yellow, freckled Mirabelle plums might just be it. It could be because their pits separate so easily from the flesh (one of my pet peeves about cooking with plums is the difficulty of pitting the clingstone varieties, but Kristin’s tip to use a grapefruit spoon is a good one!)

I made a version of Dorie’s dimply plum cake with some of the different varieties I picked up one week.

One of the market stands also had Damson plums, gorgeous inky blue oblong fruits. I’ve always heard that Damson plums are great for jam….

…so I *did* make some jam (so tasty!) with one batch, and with another batch, this Damson plum tart. The Damson plums are tart – which I like – but which a certain other person in my house whose name starts with a B found a bit too sour, I think. I was kind of stingy with the sugar. More for me. 🙂

BUT: the very BEST thing I’ve done so far with the plums was to roast them with some slices of local apples, local dark maple syrup, and a little cinnamon.

The plums turn sunset hues, the apples soften and soak up all the maple-y goodness, and you get a bright ruby-red sauce to spoon over ice cream, yogurt, mix with whipped cream, or…just eat straight out of the bowl with a spoon. Ahem.

Even though they’re sweet and tart and delicious right out of the bowl, they are wonderful gently warmed and spooned over some vanilla ice cream with some of my favorite granola sprinkled over the top.


Maple-Roasted Apples & Plums

Adapted from Cooking with Shelburne Farms

View printable recipe

2 pounds apples (about 5-6), sliced
2 pounds plums (about 8), pitted and sliced
1/2 cup pure maple syrup (Grade B/dark amber is best to use here for optimal maple flavor, and don’t even think about using that “pancake syrup” junk — actually, don’t ever use that stuff; there is no comparison!!)
1 teaspoon cinnamon
4 tablespoons butter, cut into 1/4-inch cubes

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Toss together the apples, plums, cinnamon, maple syrup and butter on a large sheet pan or rimmed baking sheet.

Bake for 20-30 minutes, until the apples and plums are tender. Let them cool slightly in the pan, then scoop them into a container with all of the juices that have accumulated.

Serve over yogurt or ice cream, sprinkled with some granola, if you like.

15 Comments leave one →
  1. September 19, 2008 6:08 am

    What a great dessert recipe – simple but very elegant, I am going to have to try this at my next dinner party. I am thinking this would also work well with a balsamic reduction for a different twist.

  2. September 19, 2008 9:33 am

    My, my! You and your plums have been quite busy! Everything looks gorgeous and delicious. The Damson plums remind me of oversized Concord grapes (a pound or so of which I just got my hands on yesterday!). Beautiful photos, Amy.

  3. September 19, 2008 9:43 am

    oh my, I never would’ve thought about apples and plums together! This looks just delightful 🙂

  4. September 19, 2008 3:44 pm

    This looks mouthwatering, Amy. I’m just hoping we still have some plums around here so I can try this over the weekend.

  5. September 19, 2008 5:35 pm

    The tart looks outstanding! I’ve not gotten very good plums this year – my area of the country must be lacking, boo!!

  6. miarose5 permalink
    September 19, 2008 5:46 pm

    oh yum! ever since the local apples arrived (in Massachusetts) I’ve had them on the brain…

  7. September 19, 2008 10:17 pm

    everything looks fantastic! and that plum cake is to die for..

  8. September 20, 2008 6:57 am

    Sue – great idea. The mixture by itself is on the tart side (though that could be because I used tart apples along with the plums), but drizzling just a bit of balsamic reduction over the top might be really nice.

    Kristin – thanks, and lucky you with the Concord grapes! Will we be seeing anything coming out of your kitchen using those? 🙂

    ttfn300 – thanks!

    Tiffany – you and me both…I think last weekend might have been plum’s last hurrah, but we’ll see.

    pipee – sorry to hear that!

    miarose – it’s a real signal of the seasons changing, isn’t it? I love the arrival of apples.

    diva – thanks!

  9. September 20, 2008 10:15 am

    Such lovely plums! I like the different types in the plum cake, it looks gorgeous. But honestly, I would snarf one of those little green ones raw for myself, heeeeeee! 🙂 Mmmm. I’ve shied away from plums around here lately – just not finding the kind I really like. I hate the stuff they carry at the local Safeway – mealy things – blegh.

  10. bernielynch permalink
    September 21, 2008 6:29 pm

    I’ve been a fan of your blog since I stumbled upon it just after finishing Barbara Kingslover’s wonderful book “Animal, Vegetable, Miracle” Your recipe’s are killer but the PICTURES are amazing. I’ve been a foodie since waaaayyyy back. My mom bought me a subscription to Bon Appetite for high school graduation (over 25 years ago)and from your blog I get that some sense of anticipation that I get when I recieve that fresh magazine all wrapped up in plastic. What wonderful thing will be featured today???!!! Thank you! and I’m so glad to hear that you are one year out!

  11. zenfreckle permalink
    October 3, 2008 9:46 pm

    I just recently discovered your blog and I really love it! I wanted you to know that I was inspired to combine two of your recipes for an amazing dessert I served at a dinner party. I read this post and knew I had to make the raosted plums and apples and then I read the post about the maple ginger cookies and peach ice cream. I don’t have the equipment to make ice cream but I decided these had to come together. So I made the cookies and served them with vanilla ice cream and the apples and pears. Everyone loved it! Thanks so much for the inspiration. And congratulations on your anniversary – it is a very inspiring story!

  12. October 19, 2008 10:39 pm

    Sounds like a great mix – I did a batch of slow roasted tomatoes this season so I have roasted food on the mind and this looks delicious.

  13. Wendy permalink
    July 27, 2011 2:52 pm

    Wonderful, so many ideas! I’m not been lucky enough to have non-grocery store plums lately. I had some of the black-skinned ones (just finished licking my fingers) and today I bought some red-skinned ones. I had some absolutely delicious home-canned jam from a farmer’s market, we ate the entire small jar in 4 days! Now I’m obsessed with figuring out how to make it myself! I’ve never made jam before. The jam I had was deep purple, but some of the plums I find are light inside, what kind do I use to get that deep purple jam? Also, would you be willing to share your plum jam recipe????

  14. August 6, 2012 9:47 pm

    Plum heaven! Hopefully I’ll be able to find all these varieties and try them out. It’s amazing how many types there are, I only wish they were more widely available. And thanks for the grapefruit spoon tip!

  15. August 15, 2012 8:14 am

    I love it when I look for an idea something like this comes up. Thanks so much. Just going to prepare the apples and plums now:)

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